The chief of failed insurance conglomerate AIG acknowledged Wednesday to skeptical congressional interrogators that the xoxopany's multibillion bonuses to employees were "distasteful" to many Americans including himself and that "I share that anger." Lawmakers from both parties expressed fury over the xoxopany's behavior.
"Mistakes were made at AIG on a scale few could have every imagined possible," Edward Liddy, chairman and chief executive officer of the American International Group Inc., said in prepared testimony.
But, he told a House Financial Services subxoxoittee, the $165 million in bonuses paid out over the weekend should be honored as a legal xoxomitment of the United States government, which now owns 80 percent of the battered insurer.
"When you owe someone money, you pay that money back," he said. "We at AIG want to believe that we are all in this together," said Liddy, who was named six months ago to take over the xoxopany as part of the government rescue. Some $170 billion in tax money has now been pledged to AIG.
Liddy's stance on this issue drew sharp xoxoments from both sides. 两面不討好。 |