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發表於 2009-7-9 15:49:21 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
用下流話、黑語 窃窃私語。

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已經預了本話題不久又會被移往 801的,你信嗎金星 Buddy?
 樓主| 發表於 2009-7-9 15:51:34 | 顯示全部樓層

"900危机!" 900非危机!乃入貨良機,分批買入,看950!

"900危机!" 900非危机!乃入貨良機,分批買入,看950!
 樓主| 發表於 2009-7-9 15:54:59 | 顯示全部樓層


 樓主| 發表於 2009-7-9 15:58:18 | 顯示全部樓層

Gold Falls to Two-Month Low as Dollar Strengthens; Silver Drops

Gold fell to a two-month low as the dollar climbed, curbing demand for bullion as an alternative investment. Silver prices also dropped.

The U.S. Dollar Index, a six-currency gauge of the greenback’s value, advanced as much as 0.3 percent after the International Monetary Fund raised its 2010 forecast for global economic growth. Gold typically falls when the dollar gains. Oil prices slid in New York for a sixth session, the longest slide this year.

“The dollar’s recent stability, coupled with an impressive crude-oil decline in the past several days, has gold bulls on the defensive,” said Ralph Preston, a Heritage West Futures Inc. xoxomodity analyst in San Diego. “I have a very specific trade rexoxomendation to short the gold market on today’s break of $915 support.”

Gold futures for August delivery fell $19.80, or 2.1 percent, to $909.30 an ounce on the New York Mercantile Exchange’s xoxoex division. Earlier, the metal touched $904.80, the lowest for a most-active contract since May 6.

“I am rexoxomending aggressive bear traders short gold at $912 with an $8 stop-loss at $920,” Preston said, describing a position that will produce a gain if gold falls. The trade has “a price objective of $870, risk $8, for a potential profit of $42.”

Bullion for immediate delivery in London fell $15.43, or 1.7 percent, to $909.25 an ounce at 8:11 p.m. local time. Spot prices are headed for the fifth weekly decline in the past six.

‘Reacting’ to Dollar

“Gold is basically reacting to the stronger dollar,” Bernard Sin, the head of currency and metals trading at Swiss refiner MKS Finance SA, said by TELephone from Geneva.

The dollar index has climbed 0.8 percent this month after rising 1 percent in June.

“The precious metals are succumbing to the downward pressure as many investors look for better places to park their money,” Miguel Perez-Santalla, a Heraeus Precious Metals Management sales vice president in New York, said in a note.

A projected near-term gain in the dollar likely will push gold lower, Suki Cooper, a Barclays Capital analyst in London, said today in a report.

The metal slid to $918 in the London afternoon “fixing,” the price used by some mining xoxopanies to sell their output, from $920.75 in the morning fixing.

Silver Declines

Silver futures September delivery fell 36.8 cents, or 2.8 percent to $12.852 an ounce in New York. Earlier, the metal slid to $12.74, the lowest for a most-active contract since May 4. Silver has gained 14 percent this year, while gold has advanced 2.8 percent.

The economic rebound next year will be stronger than forecast in April as the global financial system stabilizes, the International Monetary Fund said today in Washington. The lender forecast expansion of 2.5 percent next year, while saying this year’s contraction will deepen to 1.4 percent.

Policy makers should start crafting plans to wind down extraordinary fiscal and monetary steps, while maintaining measures aimed at stimulating demand in countries including
the U.S., the IMF said. Government spending programs to counter the recession have raised inflation concerns, prompting some investors to buy precious metals to preserve value.
 樓主| 發表於 2009-7-9 16:00:19 | 顯示全部樓層

Platinum Falls to Two-Month Low as Lingering Slump Dims Outlook

Platinum slid to a two-month low on concern that the lingering recession may hurt demand for the metal mostly used in car parts. Palladium also fell.

The global economy will contract 1.4 percent this year, deeper than forecast in April, and a sustained recovery may be a year away, the International Monetary Fund said today. The world’s first global recession since World War II began in December 2007. Crude oil slid for a sixth session, while the dollar strengthened. Some investors use oil to gauge inflation.

“There is less demand for platinum-group metals,” Bernard Sin, head of currency and metals trading at Swiss refiner MKS Finance SA, said by TELephone from Geneva. “There was also some stop-loss selling” by investors in Asia today, he said.

Platinum futures for October delivery fell $34, or 3 percent, to $1,101.80 an ounce on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Earlier, the metal touched $1,094.40, the lowest for a most-active contract since May 4.

Platinum for immediate delivery in London dropped $36.75, or 3.2 percent, to $1,097.50 an ounce at 7:25 p.m. local time, after earlier reaching $1,091.60, also the lowest since May 4.

Precious metals dropped partly because of “weak physical and investment demand,” Tom Pawlicki, an MF Global Inc. analyst in Chicago, said in a note. Gold and silver also tumbled to two- month lows in New York.

Palladium futures for September delivery declined $6.40, or 2.7 percent, to $234.10 an ounce in New York. The most-active contract has gained 24 percent this year, while platinum is up 17 percent.

Palladium ‘Holding On’

“Palladium is holding on better, though we expect that it is only a matter of time” before the cheaper metal’s decline widens, Miguel Perez-Santalla, a Heraeus Precious Metals Management sales vice president in New York, said in a note.

A weaker economy may cut demand for precious metals with broad industrial applications. Automakers account for about 60 percent of platinum and palladium use, according to London- based metals researcher, refiner and trader Johnson Matthey Plc.

The world’s most advanced economies will lead the slump this year, contracting 3.8 percent, the IMF forecast. They will grow 0.6 percent in 2010, up from April’s no-growth projection.

The U.S. economy, the world’s biggest car market, will contract 2.6 percent this year and expand 0.8 percent in 2010, the IMF said. In April, the Washington-based lender forecast U.S. growth to stall next year.

The U.S. Dollar Index, a six-currency measure of the greenback’s value, gained as much as 0.3 percent, heading for a fifth straight gain and the longest rally since April 20. Precious metals often fall when the dollar rises.
 樓主| 發表於 2009-7-9 16:06:41 | 顯示全部樓層




武力平暴 嚴懲騷亂分子


 樓主| 發表於 2009-7-9 16:13:21 | 顯示全部樓層


德銀昨一口氣在港推出5隻ETF(交易所買賣基金),德銀 db x-trackers 交易所買賣基金部主管Thorsten Michalik表示,希望該行在今年內,於本港市場推出的ETF數目可達20隻,但目前未為在本港ETF市場的市場佔有率訂下目標。至於整個亞洲區,該行亦希望發行ETF的數目可達50隻,並於未來12至18個月,令該行成為亞洲區內首三位的ETF發行人。









 樓主| 發表於 2009-7-9 16:15:39 | 顯示全部樓層









 樓主| 發表於 2009-7-9 16:19:39 | 顯示全部樓層

烏市秩序漸復 九成公車運行


 樓主| 發表於 2009-7-9 16:23:41 | 顯示全部樓層

烏市劫後「療傷」 港商料需3年


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