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發表於 2012-1-30 13:34:09 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Cage dogs of Hong Kong: The tragedy of tens of thousands living in 6ft by 2ft rabbit hutches - in a city with more Louis Vuitton shops than Paris

Hong Kong, one of the world's richest cities, is abuzz with a luxury property boom that has seen homes exchanged for record sums.
But the wealth of the city has a darker side, with tens of thousands priced out of housing altogether and forced to live in the most degrading conditions.

Yan Chi Leung is mentally ill and lives in the 6ft by 2.5ft wire cage at the bottom of this stack of three
Yan Chi Leung 患有精神疾病,住在6乘2.5英尺的铁笼底层。他的头上住着2个人。

Kong Sui Kao, 64, sits in his home in a room with 19 other cages
Kong Sui Kao今年64岁,他的铁笼周围还有19个铁笼。
 樓主| 發表於 2012-1-30 13:37:00 | 顯示全部樓層
The city is one of the planet's most densely packed metropolitan areas, with nearly 16,500 people living in every square mile of the territory.
Unscrupulous landlords are charging around US$200 a month for each cage, which are packed 20 to a room, and up to three levels high.
The lower cages are more expensive because you can almost stand inside them, but the conditions are no less squalid.
All this in a city with more Louis Vuitton shops than Paris.

Tai Lun Po, 79, has lived in the cage he is sitting in for an extraordinary 30 years
Tai Lun Po今年79岁,在铁笼里度过了特别的30年。

Eight-year-old Lee Ka Ying lives in a 6ft square 'cubicle cage home' with her
8岁的Lee Ka Ying 和她母亲住在6平方英尺的铁笼里。

Yan Chi Keung eats takeaway outside his wire cage home - there are no cooking facilities
Yan Chi Keung在铁笼外吃饭——没有烹饪设施

Tai Lun Po walks to the bathroom which he shares with the other residents
Tai Lun Po准备上厕所。他和其他居民共用一个厕所。
Occupants must share toilets and washing facilities, which are rudimentary. Many of the apartments have no kitchens, forcing their impoverished residents to spend there meagre incomes on takeaway food.
The cage homes have been a running scandal in Hong Kong's housing market for decades, yet rather than disappear, they are on the rise.

As the world economic crisis has lashed the city a former British territory whose economy is focused on financial services, more have been forced to turn to them for a place to stay.
The alternative is life on the streets.

Mr Yan smokes a cigarette amid his neighbours in his cage flat
Mr Yan在他的笼友之间抽烟。

Tai Lun Po walks the corridors of his Mongkok Hong Kong cage home
Tai Lun Po在他旺角铁笼的家旁的走廊中走动。

Tang Man Wai, 60, a retired restaurant worker, is forced to spend what little money he has on take-away food
Tang Man Wai今年60岁,是一名退休的餐厅职工。他被迫花上微薄的收入购买外卖。

A building in Mongkok that houses cage people, sometimes squeezed twenty to a room
One cage dweller, Cheung, who lives in Sham Shui Po, told the Asia Times Online he endures appallingly cramped and fetid conditions.
住在深水埗的铁笼居民 Cheung告诉亚洲时报在线记者,他忍受着骇人听闻的狭窄而散发恶臭的环境。
'The temperature inside the cages can be two to three degrees higher than what they are outside,' he said.

'It's really uncomfortable, and sometimes I cannot sleep until after 5 in the morning.'
Cockroaches, wall lizards, lice and rats are common. 'Sometimes I am worried if lizards or cockroaches will crawl into my ears at night,' said Cheung.
 樓主| 發表於 2012-1-30 13:37:56 | 顯示全部樓層
Now I appreciate my grotty student house a tad more. I had no idea that these cages existed. Those poor people.
- Polly, Manchester, 11/1/2012 10:05

One gentleman has lived in his 'cage' for 30 years? Wasn't that when HongKong was BRITISH? Red arrow away.
- Dragonhead, Wellington, New Zealand, 11/1/2012 9:49

No matter how rich a country is.....there are still poor . When i left the UK there were people sleeping in shop door ways all over the west end of London . Im sure there are more now , with no cage !
- Glad 2B Gone, Philippines, 11/1/2012 10:45

Shocking. I must admit my first reaction to this article was, well at least they can get out and walk about and don't get skinned alive and sold as food like so many thousands, or millions, of animals that spend their miserable lives in cages. However after a bit more thought I had to admit that no one should live, or exist, like this and the govt of Hong Kong should be utterly ashamed for not doing more for these poor people .Perhaps with more exposure they will be shamed into doing something about this appalling state of affairs. I hope so.
- sue kyberd, nelson new zealand, 11/1/2012 13:58

This could be England soon
- Jack, Hull, 11/1/2012 11:12

shocking no one should be forced to live like this.
- poppy, here in the uk, 11/1/2012 19:55

I hope our politicians, bankers and business owners don't see this article, it'll give 'em ideas.
- gandhi's shoe, leicester, uk, 11/1/2012 19:57

These are terrible images, a lot of us should realize how lucky we are just to have a normal house.
- Alexandra, London, UK, 11/1/2012 21:16

The UK should build places like this or even Shanty towns for all those that don't want to work and would rather live off benefit. This would be far better than housing all the lazy spongers in 4 bedroom detatched houses.
- Like it is, London, 11/1/2012 20:15

Having lived in Hong Kong what people don't realise is that it is considered shameful to beg or to live off any handouts. It is common for ordinary people to study in the evening and university libraries are open until very late at night because people understand that the way out of poverty is through education. The people living in these "cage homes" are self dependent and don't live in a three bedroom house with the rent paid for by the State. They don't have sky tv etc, which every welfare claimant in the uk has. I know whom I respect more.
- g.hudson, cheadle.uk, 11/1/2012 21:28

Awful how these people are existing. Such inequalities in the world are heartbreaking.
- peace, respect and gallons of tea, Great great Britain, 11/1/2012 23:54

This can't be true... simply horrific and very very disturbing... I guess that's the price people of bottom of the pyramid have to pay in order for the country to develop and grow faster... A sad state of affairs indeed. Many developing countries have been blind... and have compleTELy ignored the ones that are in need. Same situation here in India as well. When will Governments wake up and realize this? You cannot ignore people like this... I hope to God things change. Very sad.
- We WILL win number 19 soon. , India, Mumbai, 11/1/2012 16:04

hell this is hard hitting, I visited Hong Kong last year after coming back from holiday in australlia and I had no idea that people lived like this, just makes you appriciate what you have got
- Alex Warren, Swindon, Wiltshire, 11/1/2012 22:03
 樓主| 發表於 2012-1-30 13:38:36 | 顯示全部樓層
These cages have been existing for quite a long time, almost 50 to 60 years. It is shameful that the govt has done so little to help these people. Yes, Hong Kong is a rich city. There are countless Benz, BMW, Audi on roads. The shopping malls are packed with luxurious brand names. The govt has a huge reserves of cash. ... But the hard fact is that its wealth gap is among the worst in the World. One research finds that around 100,000 of the city's 7 million people living in these cages of less than 60 square feet. Plainly shameful.
- Chow, Hong Kong, 11/1/2012 11:02

It's really upsetting the comments on this. These people are poor and would rather live anywhere else than in these conditions. Accomodation is extremely expensive in HK and this is all these people can afford, many of them work hard for a living and cannot get out of these conditions. What is wrong with people today?? Hong Kong is very different to China, try to make informed comments before you all go blabbing off your mouths... the point of this story in plain terms is that the rich are very rich in HK and the poor are very poor with little/no support! Yes I think alot of things in Hong Kong are great and the UK could probably learn a thing or 2 from them, for example they have an amazing public transport. This is an example where they do let their people down. In this day and age why should people live like this without support and help no matter what country they live in. Have a heart people! I hope more can be done to support these people.
- Expat, Hong Kong, 11/1/2012 14:03

Sorry those that are ignorant to the world had to see this, but it's just the same as any 1930's Hoovervilles in the US. The question you need to ask yourself is once China owns all your domestic debt and over 60% of America's prime real-estate, is where you going to be living - in a $3m dollar apartment or in one of these cages?
- Mathius Battisti, Hong Kong, 11/1/2012 15:24

This is why those whingers that live in council houses in the UK should be thankful they have a proper house to live in and can claim benefits etc. There are so many people less fortunate.
- Reena, Hong Kong, China, 11/1/2012 18:35

Cagemen have lived this way in HK for over 50 years. A biopic was made about them, a local film in 2002, & does touch on the fact that many of the people living in cages are totally alone. Difficult for us to understand, but they feel that they at least form part of a community where they are and they choose to live like this. HK does have a huge wealth divide, but no more so than any other city, and these people are willing to work hard. They didn't ask the journalist to write about their 'plight', so there should be no reason for the 'leave them to it' comments that are being posted, & there should be no reason to judge the Chinese or any other race based on this article. Some people leaving posts would be better off making educated comments rather than talk about a life half way around the world in a country that they have never visited. Article very one-sided - forgot to mention that most people these days shopping at LV and the like are actually mainland Chinese, not locals!
- Ken, Central, Hong Kong, 11/1/2012 21:26

The Hong Kong Government gave permanent Hong Kong residents HK$6,000 to put into their retirement fund, many people in Hong Kong would not have the need for this money and it would have been prudent to have used it to provide better housing for these people.
- hongkongpauli, Hong Kong, 12/1/2012 7:04

The situation will become worser As there are thousands of Mainland poor pregnant women give birth in HK everyday!They contribute nothing but they earn all benefits of those HK residents!
- Angry HongKonger, Hong Kong, 11/1/2012 11:37

It's true, greedy landlords, property giants and the government continous backing of of income from land auctuion is the result.
- Adriano, Hong Kong, 11/1/2012 23:34
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