樓主 |
發表於 2012-1-30 13:37:56
Now I appreciate my grotty student house a tad more. I had no idea that these cages existed. Those poor people.
- Polly, Manchester, 11/1/2012 10:05
One gentleman has lived in his 'cage' for 30 years? Wasn't that when HongKong was BRITISH? Red arrow away.
- Dragonhead, Wellington, New Zealand, 11/1/2012 9:49
No matter how rich a country is.....there are still poor . When i left the UK there were people sleeping in shop door ways all over the west end of London . Im sure there are more now , with no cage !
- Glad 2B Gone, Philippines, 11/1/2012 10:45
Shocking. I must admit my first reaction to this article was, well at least they can get out and walk about and don't get skinned alive and sold as food like so many thousands, or millions, of animals that spend their miserable lives in cages. However after a bit more thought I had to admit that no one should live, or exist, like this and the govt of Hong Kong should be utterly ashamed for not doing more for these poor people .Perhaps with more exposure they will be shamed into doing something about this appalling state of affairs. I hope so.
- sue kyberd, nelson new zealand, 11/1/2012 13:58
This could be England soon
- Jack, Hull, 11/1/2012 11:12
shocking no one should be forced to live like this.
- poppy, here in the uk, 11/1/2012 19:55
I hope our politicians, bankers and business owners don't see this article, it'll give 'em ideas.
- gandhi's shoe, leicester, uk, 11/1/2012 19:57
These are terrible images, a lot of us should realize how lucky we are just to have a normal house.
- Alexandra, London, UK, 11/1/2012 21:16
The UK should build places like this or even Shanty towns for all those that don't want to work and would rather live off benefit. This would be far better than housing all the lazy spongers in 4 bedroom detatched houses.
- Like it is, London, 11/1/2012 20:15
Having lived in Hong Kong what people don't realise is that it is considered shameful to beg or to live off any handouts. It is common for ordinary people to study in the evening and university libraries are open until very late at night because people understand that the way out of poverty is through education. The people living in these "cage homes" are self dependent and don't live in a three bedroom house with the rent paid for by the State. They don't have sky tv etc, which every welfare claimant in the uk has. I know whom I respect more.
- g.hudson, cheadle.uk, 11/1/2012 21:28
Awful how these people are existing. Such inequalities in the world are heartbreaking.
- peace, respect and gallons of tea, Great great Britain, 11/1/2012 23:54
This can't be true... simply horrific and very very disturbing... I guess that's the price people of bottom of the pyramid have to pay in order for the country to develop and grow faster... A sad state of affairs indeed. Many developing countries have been blind... and have compleTELy ignored the ones that are in need. Same situation here in India as well. When will Governments wake up and realize this? You cannot ignore people like this... I hope to God things change. Very sad.
- We WILL win number 19 soon. , India, Mumbai, 11/1/2012 16:04
hell this is hard hitting, I visited Hong Kong last year after coming back from holiday in australlia and I had no idea that people lived like this, just makes you appriciate what you have got
- Alex Warren, Swindon, Wiltshire, 11/1/2012 22:03 |