Global demand for gold jewellery showed the strongest surge, reaching a record $14.5 billion, 37 per cent higher than Q2 2006, with particular strength across the key gold markets of
Greater China, India, the Middle East and Turkey, according to Gold Demand Trends, released by the World Gold Council (WGC).
Dollar demand for gold in the jewellery, retail investment and industrial sectors all reached new heights in the second quarter of 2007, the report said.
In volume terms, India, the world's largest gold market, achieved all-time records in both jewellery and retail investment. Turkey achieved second-quarter records for both categories while
Russia recorded its highest ever level of jewellery demand.
The figures, compiled independently for WGC by GFMS Ltd, showed that identifiable gold
demand made a further substantial recovery in Q2 2007 from the impact of the volatile prices experienced in 2006, rising 19 per cent in tonnage terms on Q2 2006 to 922 tonnes, and
reaching $19.8 billion, a 27 per cent increase, in value terms year-on-year. |