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The G-20’s Secret Debt Solution

發表於 2008-11-16 14:27:00 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
The G-20’s Secret Debt Solution
by Larry Edelson   11-13-08

If you think this weekend’s G-20 meetings in Washington are only about designing short-term fixes to the financial system and regulatory reforms for banks, hedge funds, brokers, mortgage companies and investment banks … think again.

Behind the scenes, a far more fundamental fix is being discussed — the possible revaluation of gold and the birth of an entirely new monetary system.

I’ve been studying this issue in great depth, all my life. And given the speed at which the financial crisis is unfolding, I would be very surprised if what I’m about to TELl you now is not on the G-20 table this weekend.

Furthermore, I believe the end result will make my $2,270 price target for gold look conservative, to say the least. You’ll see why in a minute.

First, the G-20’s motive for a new monetary system: It’s driven by and based upon this very simple proposition …

“If we can’t print money fast enough to fend off another deflationary Great Depression, then let’s change the value of the money.”

I call it …

The G-20 may propose devaluing all currencies, including the U.S. dollar and the euro.
“The G-20’s Secret Debt Solution”

It would be a strategy designed to ease the burden of ALL debts — by simultaneously devaluing ALL currencies … and re-inflating ALL asset prices.

That’s what central banks and governments around the world are going to start talking about this weekend — a new financial order that includes new monetary units that helps to wipe clean the world’s debt ledgers.

It won’t be an easy deal to broker, since the U.S. is the world’s largest debtor. But remember: Debts are now going bad all over the world. So everyone would benefit.

Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke … Treasury Secretary Paulson … President Bush … President-elect Obama … former Fed Chairman Paul Volcker … Warren Buffett … and central bankers and politicians all over the world agree a new monetary system is needed.

So they’ll start hashing out the details to get the new financial architecture deployed as quickly as possible.

If you think I’m crazy or propagating some kind of conspiracy theory, then consider the historical precedent …

To end the Great Depression in 1933 Franklin Roosevelt devalued the dollar via Executive Order #6102, confiscating gold and raising its price 69.3%, effectively kick starting asset reflation.

Only this time, it won’t be just the U.S. that devalues its currency. The world is too interconnected. Instead, the world’s leading countries will propose a simultaneous and universal currency devaluation.

This time, they will NOT confiscate gold. There would be riots all over the globe if they even mentioned the “C” word.

But they don’t have to confiscate gold. Here’s one scenario …

They cease all gold sales and instead, raise the current official central bank price of gold from its booked value of $42.22 an ounce — to a price that monetizes a large enough portion of the world’s outstanding debts.

That way, just like in 1933, the debts become a fraction of re-inflated asset prices (led higher by the gold price).

And this time, instead of staying with the dollar as a reserve currency, the G-20 issues three new monetary units of exchange, each with equal reserve status.

The three currencies will essentially be a new dollar, new euro, and a new pan-Asian currency. (The Chinese yuan may survive as a fourth currency, but it will be linked to a basket of the three new currencies.)

The new fiat monetary units would be worth less than the old ones. For instance, it could take 10 new units of money to buy 1 old dollar or euro.

New names would be given to the new currencies to help rid the world of the ghost of a system that failed. Additional regulations and programs would be designed and implemented to ease the transition to a new monetary system.

The IMF would be at the center of the new monetary system.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) would implement the new financial system in conjunction with central banks and governments around the world.

Keep in mind that the IMF is already set up to handle the transition, and has had contingency plans allowing for it since the institution was formed in 1944.

Included in the design and transition to a new monetary system …

A. A new fixed-rate currency regime. ImmediaTELy upon upping the price of gold and introducing the new currencies, a new fixed exchange rate system would be re-introduced. The floating exchange rate system would be tossed into the dust bin along with the old currencies.

This would kill any speculation about further devaluations in the currency markets, and drastically reduce market volatility.

B. To sell the program to savers and protect them from the currency devaluation, compensatory measures would be enacted. For instance, a one-time windfall tax-free deposit could be issued by governments directly to citizens’ accounts, or, to employer-sponsored pensions, to IRAs, or Social Security accounts.

Income taxes may subsequently be raised to pay for the give-away, or a nominal global type of sales tax could be enacted to help pay for the new system and the compensatory measures.

C. Additional programs would be designed to protect lenders and creditors. Lenders stand a much higher chance of getting paid off under the new monetary system — but with a currency whose purchasing power would now be a fraction of what it was when the loans were originated.

So programs would have to be designed to help lenders offset the inflationary costs of their devalued loans, probably via the tax code.

Naturally, all this is a bit more complicated than I’ve spelled out above. But that gives you a big-picture outline of what the plan could look like. And I think major changes like these are going to be set in motion at this weekend’s G-20 meetings in Washington.

Would they work?

Yes. They would help avoid a repeat of the deflationary Great Depression. But don’t expect even a new monetary system to put the U.S. or the global economy back on track toward the high rates of real growth that we’ve seen over the last several years. That’s simply not going to happen. Not for a while.

Instead, I’m talking about a massive asset price reflation, negative real economic growth in the U.S. and Europe — but continued real GDP gains in Asia.

The Big Question: What gold price would be legislated to reflate the U.S. and global economy?

I can’t TELl you what gold price the G-20 would ultimaTELy agree to. But here’s what they will be looking at …

To monetize 100% of the outstanding public and private sector debt in the U.S., the official government price of gold would have to be raised to about $53,000 per ounce.

To monetize 50%, the price of gold would have to be raised to around $26,500 an ounce.

To monetize 20% would require a gold price a hair over $10,600 an ounce.

To monetize just 10%, gold would have to be priced just over $5,300 an ounce.
Those figures are just based on the U.S. debt structure and do not factor in global debts gone bad. But since the U.S. is the world’s largest debtor and the epicenter of the crisis, the G-20 will likely base their final decision mostly on the U.S. debt structure.

So how much debt do I think would be monetized via an executive order that raises the official price of gold? What kind of currency devaluation would I expect as a result?

I would not be surprised to see the G-20 monetize at least 20% of the U.S. debt markets. THAT MEANS …

Gold would be priced at over $10,000 an ounce.

Currencies would be devalued by a factor of at least 12 to 1, meaning it would take 12 new dollars or euros to equal 1 old dollar or euro.
The return of the Gold Standard?

“But Larry,” you ask, “how could this be accomplished when we no longer have a gold standard? Further, are you advocating a gold standard?”

If the G-20 monetizes at least 20% of the U.S. debt markets, gold could easily hit $10,000 an ounce.
My answers:

First, you don’t need a gold standard to accomplish a devaluation of currencies and revaluation of the monetary system.

By offering to pay over $10,000 an ounce for gold, central banks can effectively accomplish the same end goal — monetizing and reducing the burden of debts, via inflating asset prices in fiat money terms.

Naturally, hoards of gold investors will cash in their gold. The central banks will pile it up. At the same time, other hoards of investors will not sell their gold, even at $10,000 an ounce. But the actual movement of the gold will not matter. It is the psychological impact and the devaluation of paper currencies that matters.

Second, I do NOT advocate a fully convertible gold standard. Never have. There isn’t enough gold in the world to make currencies convertible into gold. It would end up backfiring, restricting the supply of money and credit.

What should you do to prepare for these possibilities?

It’s obvious: Make sure you own some core gold, as much as 25% of your investable funds.

Also, as I’ve noted in past Money and Markets issues, you will want to own key natural resource stocks, and even select blue-chip stocks that will participate in the reflation scheme.

For more details and specific recommendations to follow, be sure to subscribe to my Real Wealth Report.

Best wishes,

發表於 2008-11-16 14:29:45 | 顯示全部樓層
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我一直在研究这个问题进行了非常深入,所有我的生活。并考虑到速度的金融危机正在展开,我将感到非常吃惊,如果是我要告诉你,现在还不是对G - 20的表本周末。


首先, 20国集团的动机一个新的货币制度:它推动并根据这一非常简单的命题...

“如果我们不能打印速度不够快钱,以抵御另一个通货紧缩大萧条,然后让我们改变了价值的钱。 ”

發表於 2008-11-16 21:16:58 | 顯示全部樓層
“ 20国集团的秘密债务解决方案”

这将是一个战略,目的是减轻负担的全部债务-通过同时所有货币贬值. ..并重新膨胀所有资产的价格。



美联储主席伯南克...财政部长保尔森... ...美国总统布什当选总统奥巴马...前美联储主席保罗沃尔克... ...沃伦巴菲特和中央银行行长和政治家世界各地的同意一个新的货币体系是必要的。



为了制止这种大萧条在1933年富兰克林罗斯福,美元贬值通过行政命令, # 6102 ,没收黄金,其价格提高69.3 % ,有效地踢资产通货再开始。


这一次,他们将不会没收金牌。将有暴动世界各地,如果他们甚至提到了“ C ”字。


他们停止所有的黄金销售,反而,提高目前的官方中央银行黄金价格从预订的价值42.22美元每盎司-以价格m onetizes足够大的一部分是世界上未偿债务。

这样一来,就像在1933年,债务成为一小部分重新膨胀的资产价格(导致更高的黄金价格) 。

这一次,而不是留在美元作为储备货币的G - 20的问题,三个新的货币单位的汇率,每一个平等的储备地位。

这三个货币基本上是一个新的美元,新的欧元,以及一个新的泛亚洲货币。 (中国人民币的可生存四分之一的货币,但将与一篮子三个新的货币。 )



国际国际货币基金组织( IMF )将执行新的财务制度与中央银行和政府在世界各地。









当然,所有这是一个比较复杂一点比我已经阐述了以上。但是,让你大图片说明什么计划可以样子。我想重大变化喜欢这些将要启动将在本周末的G - 20次会议在华盛顿举行。






赚钱100 %的杰出公共部门和私营部门的债务在美国,政府的官方黄金价格将不得不提高到约五万三千美元美元。

为了赚钱50 % ,黄金价格将不得不提高到约二万六千五美元盎司。

赚钱的20 %将需要黄金价格头发超过一万零六百美元盎司。

要赚钱只有10 % ,黄金将不得不售价略高于五三零零美元盎司。
这些数字只是基于美国的债务结构,并没有在全球债务坏。但是,由于美国是世界上最大的债务国和震中的危机, 20国集团将可能根据最后的决定是对美国的债务结构。


我不会感到惊讶地看到, G - 20的利润至少有20 %的美国债券市场。这意味着...


将货币贬值的一个因素,至少12比1 ,这意味着将采取12个新的美元或欧元,以平等的一岁美元或欧元。

“但是,拉里, ”你问: “怎么会这样的成就时,我们不再有一个黄金标准?此外,您倡导的黄金标准? “

如果20国集团monetizes至少有20 %的美国债券市场,黄金可以很容易地击中$ 10000美元。


通过提供支付超过$ 10000美元的黄金,中央银行可以有效地完成相同的最终目标-货币和减少债务负担,通过资产价格膨胀在菲亚特货币计算。

当然, hoards的黄金投资者将现金在其黄金。中央银行将桩了。与此同时,其他hoards的投资者不会出售其黄金,即使是在$ 10000美元。但实际运动的黄金将无关紧要。这是心理上的影响和货币贬值的纸货币的事项。



这是显而易见的:请确认您自己的一些核心黄金,多达25 %的投资资金。




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