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(Quote)Shaking The Metaphorical Tree

發表於 2006-9-13 16:37:48 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
This will happen as a result of the Formula, which is 100% correct. I saw this in the 70s and will see it repeated now.

  This is a passing cloud and unless you have been so radical as to use margin you exercise the "Green Doctrine.”

  If you have hung yourself out on margin you have absolutely no choice. Do not let the margin man get you, call yourself and liquidate. There is no exception to this, sorry!

  IMF Identifies Risk of `Disorderly' U.S. Dollar Drop  
By Mark Drajem and Shamim Adam

  Sept. 12 (Bloomberg) -- A ``disorderly'' drop in the dollar is the biggest risk to world financial markets, the International Monetary Fund said, urging policy makers to prepare and act quickly when asset prices slump.

  Investors are buying U.S. bonds under the assumption that the dollar won't slide, and a drop in the currency might turn into a rout as foreign investors and central banks move to cut losses, the global financial watchdog said.

  ``A low-probability but potentially high-cost risk to the global financial system is that a dollar decline could become self-reinforcing and hence disorderly,'' the IMF said in its Global Financial Stability Report today.

  Last week, IMF Managing Director Rodrigo De Rato singled out lopsided global trade and investment flows, protectionist sentiment and high energy prices as sources of concern to an otherwise benign outlook for the global economy. The IMF says the U.S. current account deficit, running at a record rate, needs to narrow
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