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樓主: HW


發表於 2006-9-22 20:20:41 | 顯示全部樓層
KBG  在 2006-9-22 08:01 PM 發表:

美元可能会很受伤,这点不排除;但小弟只是从需求的角度来理解商品价格走势,如果美国经济大下滑,中国等国的出口也会大受打 ...

同意! 因此美元玩完不完全等於金升,當中時間可能要花數年完成調整。當然,美國是世界經濟火車頭(起碼今天還是),牠的經濟放慢對偉大祖國經濟增長是帶來負面影響,只希望美國經濟能軟著陸已是萬幸了!
 樓主| 發表於 2006-9-22 22:12:37 | 顯示全部樓層
雷文  在 2006-9-22 20:20 發表:

同意! 因此美元玩完不完全等於金升,當中時間可能要花數年完成調整。當然,美國是世界經濟火車頭(起碼今天還是),牠的經濟放慢對偉大祖國經濟增長是帶來負面影響,只希望美國經濟能軟著陸已是萬幸了!

Yup, really agree.......that's what i'm looking forward in the coming 6 months. and that is my long term plan in my gold trading also
For the coming months, still believe it will drop until it reach at least around 540.....
發表於 2006-9-22 22:13:54 | 顯示全部樓層
HW  在 2006-9-22 10:12 PM 發表:

Yup, really agree.......that's what i'm looking forward in the coming 6 months. and that is my long term plan in my gold trading also
For the coming months, still believe it will drop until it rea ...

yes. agree with you.
 樓主| 發表於 2006-9-22 22:15:19 | 顯示全部樓層
金星  在 2006-9-22 20:12 發表:

u'd better wait 600+ to short tonite...

Mmmmm.......actually, i wanna it can reach 600 or above for me, but seems it is still hard to do it tonite. and 595 is most likely the max, i think.
發表於 2006-9-22 22:16:56 | 顯示全部樓層
HW  在 2006-9-22 10:15 PM 發表:

Mmmmm.......actually, i wanna it can reach 600 or above for me, but seems it is still hard to do it tonite. and 595 is most likely the max, i think.

 樓主| 發表於 2006-9-22 22:32:07 | 顯示全部樓層
Guest  在 2006-9-22 22:16 發表:


yes, i think so, and i did sell gold @587 again. but pls attention, this move is very aggressive, take care!
發表於 2006-9-22 22:49:17 | 顯示全部樓層
 樓主| 發表於 2006-9-22 22:52:01 | 顯示全部樓層
Thanks, you right. that's why i don't look the gobal market good in the coming 6 months (at least at this moment, still believe it)..........
發表於 2006-9-22 22:52:37 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 2006-9-22 22:54:54 | 顯示全部樓層
HW  在 2006-9-22 22:52 發表:

Thanks, you right. that's why i don't look the gobal market good in the coming 6 months (at least at this moment, still believe it)..........

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