發表於 2008-3-31 15:16:56
原帖由 無法笑 於 2008-3-31 10:24 AM 發表
美國財長保爾森今天將提出全面改革華爾街金融市場監管機制,賦予聯邦儲備局廣泛權力,以維護市場穩定。改革計劃包括關閉儲蓄管理局和商品期貨交易委員會。這是美國政府自1930年代大蕭條以來最徹底的金融監管改革 ...
The Associated Press
March 30, 2008 11:20 AM
The main elements of the Bush administration's plan to overhaul financial regulation, as outlined in a 22-page executive summary obtained by The Associated Press. The proposal is set to be released Monday:
-Expand the role of the President's Working Group on Financial Markets to include the entire financial sector and not just financial markets.
-Create a federal commission, the Mortgage Origination Commission, to develop uniform, minimum licensing standards for mortgage market participants.
-Close the Office of Thrift Supervision, which regulates thrift institutions, and move those functions to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, which regulates banks.
-Merge the functions of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission into the Securities and Exchange Commission to create one agency to provide unified oversight of the futures and securities industries.
-Establish an Office of National Insurance within the Treasury Department to regulate those in the insurance industry who want to operate under an optional federal charter.
-Work to establish as a long-term goal three major regulators: the Federal Reserve as a ''market stability regulator''; a ''prudential financial regulator'' to take over the functions of five separate banking regulators; and a ''business conduct regulator'' to regulate business conduct and consumer protection |