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US Nov Employ Report Strong-ish, Payrolls +132,000

發表於 2006-12-8 22:51:33 | 顯示全部樓層
BY  在 2006-12-8 22:37 發表:

No doubt to cope with the cold weather high demand.

Do you mean there is no doubt that oil supply can cope with the cold weather high demand, or there is no doubt that oil price will reach 65 because of the need to cope with the cold weather high demand?
 樓主| 發表於 2006-12-8 23:19:59 | 顯示全部樓層
垂死掙扎  在 2006-12-8 22:51 發表:

Do you mean there is no doubt that oil supply can cope with the cold weather high demand, or there is no doubt that oil price will reach 65 because of the need to cope with the cold weather hig ...

I said no doubt to 金星兄的 Forecast.  The reason is due to the high demand during winter.   Certainly, the price is subject to any movement of the supply side who will also dictate the price fluctuation as well.
發表於 2006-12-8 23:28:49 | 顯示全部樓層
BY  在 2006-12-8 23:19 發表:

I said no doubt to 金星兄的 Forecast.  The reason is due to the high demand during winter.   Certainly, the price is subject to any movement of the supply side who will also dictate the price fluct ...

Understood.  Thank you.
What's your view on gold & silver prices at the year-end?
 樓主| 發表於 2006-12-8 23:31:38 | 顯示全部樓層
垂死掙扎  在 2006-12-8 23:28 發表:

Understood.  Thank you.
What's your view on gold & silver prices at the year-end?

No view, only the target to enter the market, already stated before, not going to repeat.
 樓主| 發表於 2006-12-8 23:56:35 | 顯示全部樓層
[quote] 睡睡  在 2006-12-8 21:37 發表:




匯商稱, 倫敦午段歐元兌美元重新升至1.33以上, 主因市場傳言俄羅斯央行買入歐元, 令美國就業數據走強帶動的美元買盤僅短暫出現。 勞工部公布, 11月份美國非農就業職位增加13.2萬個, 高於市場預期的增10萬個。 9月份和10月份合計就業職位增幅上修4.2萬個, 達28.2萬: 9月份增幅由14.8萬上修至20.3萬; 10月份增幅由9.2萬下修7.9萬。 Thomson IFR Markets分析師Jamie Coleman稱, 9月份和10月份就業職位修訂好淡不一。整體來看, 就業報告略為降低了美聯儲局明年初減息的可能性。 他指出, 有報道稱俄羅斯央行買入歐元, 重新引發各國央行正將外匯儲備從美元轉向多樣化的猜測, 有助推動歐元走強。 在美國就業數據公布後, 歐元兌美元跌至略低於1.3250水平, 但買家旋即趁低吸納歐元, 推動歐元兌美元重新升至1.33上方, 並創下今日高點1.3347。 在美國就業數據公布後, 美元兌日圓創全日最高115.88, 但隨後又向115水平回落。英鎊兌美元稍早跌至1.9533, 隨後大幅反彈創今日最高1.9688。 倫敦下午1403 GMT, 美元兌日圓報115.12; 歐元兌美元報1.3336; 歐元兌日圓報153.54; 英鎊兌美元報1.9679; 澳元兌美元報0.7916; 倫敦上午1025 GMT, 美元兌日圓報115.63, 歐元兌美元報1.3284, 歐元兌日圓報153.58, 英鎊兌美元報1.9600, 澳元兌美元報0.7882。
 樓主| 發表於 2006-12-9 00:02:18 | 顯示全部樓層
BY  在 2006-12-8 23:56 發表:

[quote] 睡睡  在 2006-12-8 21:37 發表:


欧元/美元在数据后跌至 ...

下次又可傳言中国央行購入欧元了。炒家真是有一手的。如較早時没有俄購欧元的傳言,美元可能已急剧上扬至1.32了。那金价........ 哈哈又是另一回事。
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