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發表於 2007-7-8 23:03:59 | 顯示全部樓層
 樓主| 發表於 2007-7-9 00:27:33 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 杏仁餅 於 2007-7-8 11:03 PM 發表

"冰是雪貨,又如何新鮮"  -  今之所謂冰鮮並不等於傳統的雪貨,冰鮮是指用高科技的急凍技術來迅速进行冷却处理 屠宰后 (当然不会活生生去冰的)的肉类,使其温度在24时内降为0℃∼4℃,并在后续的加工、流通和零售过程中始终保持在04℃范围内。冰鲜肉始终处于冷却环境下,有效地防止細菌的传入传出,营养流失少,质地柔软有弹性,滋味鲜美。所謂的急凍技術即 Quick-freezing - or, an application of , to quickly freeze food items. In this case, water contained inside the food is subjected to temperatures well below its (273 K or 0°C). This causes the water inside the foods to freeze very quickly. Supercooling is the process of chilling a , without it becoming .

A liquid below its freezing point will in the presence of a nucleus around which a crystal structure can form. However, lacking any such nucleus, the liquid phase can be maintained all the way down to the temperature at which crystal homogeneous nucleation occurs. The homogeneous nucleation can occur above the glass transition where the system is an amorphous—that is, non-crystalline—solid.

Water has a freezing point of 273.15 K (0 °C or 32 °F) but can be supercooled at
standard pressure down to its crystal homogeneous nucleation at almost 231 K (−42.15 °C). If cooled at a rate in the order of 1 million kelvins per second, the crystal nucleation can be avoided and water becomes a glass. Its glass transition temperature is much colder and harder to determine, but studies estimate it at about 165 K (−108.15 °C).  Glassy water can be heated up to approximatoldy 150 K (−123.15 °C).  In the range of temperatures between 231 K (−42.15 °C) and 150 K (−123.15 °C)
experiments find only crystal ice.   有根有据有科學,不是簡單的雪藏貨色可比。更不是胡說八道的鹦鹉嘴。

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