發表於 2009-8-3 09:57:07
原帖由 piggy3616 於 2009-8-3 09:15 AM 發表
But the problem is, before the Gold is willing to go down............ it will rise up....until it reaches a price where it can rise no more, then it will fall down. Therefore, I must take some a ...
同意。「順勢者昌、逆勢者亡」,但「勢」往往是要在事後、方向走了一段才能確認,否則可能跌入「假突破」、「假跌穿」等走勢陷阱,以小弟N年炒股、匯、期指、金經驗,順勢賺錢是絕對正確,但「知易行難」啊! Anyway, I think gold price will reach USD1,000 again this time and good luck to
you, Miss Piggy!
P.S.: 「鎖倉」是逃避、拖泥帶水的做法,「爆倉皆因鎖倉起」,小心小心!