發表於 2008-7-24 11:32:25
Yes , really ..
發表於 2008-7-24 10:15 AM 資料 個人空間 加為好友
原帖由 金星 於 2008-7-24 09:11 發表
雖然小弟比司令年小很多 ,只想提示司令大人幾句,
金市跟匯市一樣, 入門前是先考慮風險再談利潤的, 一年幾百單, 我一半是虧的, 多得上天保佑還完整無缺..
跟心魔作鬥我先痛苦後興奮, 每次在我最痛苦的時候我就知道大市見頂或見底... ...
We all are under the Big Crocodile's observation , they collect all our information just like
See through all our position Long/Short .
The point we surrender , the time they settle their poistion all in a sudden .
So 50/50 Long/Short can take profit ....fare
(((( Just talk ))) talk is cheap , people follow like sheep