發表於 2008-10-26 22:26:45
原帖由 cccho 於 2008-10-26 10:01 PM 發表
上網睇番佢張I kill u later合同,要去到2010年到期,即分24期共接90億5千萬澳元,每月要接貨3億7千7百萬澳元!
按接貨價0.87計現在已插到0.6215,即係話,如果收到貨後馬上在市場上拋售,每一澳元就虧損了0.2 ...
上網睇番佢張I kill u later合同,要去到2010年到期,即分24期共接90億5千萬澳元,每月要接貨3億7千7百萬澳元!
short put @0.87, if citic want to settle, they need t pay premium to buy back the put option. but the vol now seems very high as a result the premium is very unfavor, so nothing can do except consider to get more liquidity. so DCH, Cathay..... will have pressure, even to lift it up is pave the way for sold at a better price. i also have the similar feeling that it will become another #8, no dividend for a couple of years, most profit is for repay the loan (interest part). And if a responsibile managemet and board of director, the bonus should be cut at least 50%, they are very high pay group, a few million per MONTH.