發表於 2008-3-8 13:04:35
原帖由 CDO 於 2008-3-7 10:13 PM 發表
唔好沽呀, 等位買, 現在只係消息獲利平倉, 現在除了美元同美國股票之外無野可以沽, 等位買貨!
回吐是買進的好時機, 講左九萬次!
利率期貨顯示, 分分鐘18號減多一厘息, 釋放通脹呢隻大魔頭, 世態炎涼!
Speculators continue to be emboldened by the fact that the US Fed keeps jawboning about the desirability of a strong dollar but
keeps undermining its value at the same time, with its relentless rate-cutting campaign. This, while it is aware of the fallout and
the task it will have on its hands later on this year as it attempts to grapple with rising inflation. Prices of all kinds of 'stuff' have risen dramatically as speculative funds have opted out of the greenback during this difficult period in the US economy.
Do not expect next week to be a picnic or to give much opportunity to rest between economic figures releases and the appetite of funds to grab and/or let go of positions in commodities. For the moment, the four-digit gold price has been moved forward on the
gold bug calendar. Some are even suggesting that fresh buying days near $945 could be in the cards. Why not? It is a plausible as $1000 was this past week. |