發表於 2009-4-8 14:51:40
回復 #967 二叔公 的帖子
A couple of weeks prior to ole Gordo's 1999 gold dump, when he “pulled the trigger”, looting the British Treasury of its bullion – he had requested that the I.M.F. sell $10 billion worth of its gold. His request was denied.
Interestingly, Gordy's great-gold-give-away was even cause, at the time, for Bank of England Governor, Eddie George and Sir Peter Tarpsall to question loudly about the price her Majesty had to pay in order to save a major U.S. bank by fire selling it's gold reserves at rock bottom prices.
Years later, Gordon Brown was asked at a dinner party why he had sold 60% of the country's gold reserves? His answer was rumored as this:
"We stared into the abyss and were concerned that a sharply rising gold price would alert the world to the crisis that the world was facing. That is why we sold our gold".
Regarding the notion of selling gold bullion to benefit Africa , in 2005 I had the occasion to interview and collaborate with Mr. Anthony Harding – then Deputy Director in the Mineral Economics Directorate of South Africa's Department of Minerals and Energy. In Mr. Harding's words ,
“The South African gold mining industry is more than a century old. Gold has played a pivotal role in developing the South African economy both directly through monetary earnings from bullion sales, which at one stage supplied the international banking system with the bulk of its reserve of last resort, and indirectly through spin-off effects which generated the birth of other important domestic sectors in the economy, such as financial services and manufacturing….
…. Many sub-Saharan countries fall into the heavily indebted category and thus intervention in the gold market through an event, such as IMF bullion sales, could have unintended consequences for those countries at the critical juncture of relying on the performance of their gold mining industries to encourage sustainable economic growth. Released from an inextricable debt burden or not, under a falling gold price scenario they would be unable to reap the hard won fruits of their economical aspirations in the future.
The most progressive of Africa 's newly liberated economies, most of which are also the most democratic in outlook depend a great deal on gold to advance the cause of their economic development. That these economies should be seriously thwarted in attempting to elevate their economical and political performances to ever higher levels in an era favoring rampant globalization is therefore definiTELy not a desideratum.
It seems to me that Africa's developing economies having exploitable gold resources in the ground to call upon would benefit more by extracting and selling this gold in a market characterized by a rising gold price than from handouts received as a result of central bank gold sales, which may well restrict further upward mobility in the price. African countries should be allowed to develop their economies independently depending on their own new found strengths rather than be expected to rely on the largesse of the IMF which is mainly controlled by first world countries that have long neglected the economic problems plaguing the African continent.”
Mr. Brown, your statements regarding yours and the I.M.F.'s concern for the plight of Africa have been exposed for what they truly are – a SHAM designed to provide cover for bombing the gold price so as to fool us all into believing that the fiat U.S. Dollar, lynchpin of the Anglo-American Central Banking Cabal, still has value. Isn't it about time these shenanigans stopped?
You see folks, there has been so much collusion and so much fraud xoxomitted by our learned leaders – in vain attempts to preserve and prolong the life span of fiat money – that they simply cannot ‘xoxoe clean' and TELl us the truth. The acknowledgement of such would be too indicting for those who currently hold power.
Society in the West – with the U.S. fiat Dollar as the worlds' reserve currency – is NOW on that parabolic phase of the money growth curve. This is why so much money is being created. This money creation is going to continue because is must, or the whole system collapses! Central Bankers are frantically trying to keep this fiat money “WHICH MUST BE CREATED” out of the hands of the xoxomoners. Historically, they have been advocates of various schemes designed to do this; like very expensive wars, off balance sheet derivatives skullduggery and other assorted financial ponzi debacles where obscene amounts of fiat money can “disappear” - without a trace.
Really folks, are we to believe that Bernie Madoff's 64 billion disappeared into the darkness without a traceable paper trail; while in the wake of the horrendous 9/11 attacks, we were supplied minute details of who wired mere thousands to pay rents, for flight lessons, meals and entertainment?
Ladies and gentlemen, the learned Central Bankers KNOW that historically, fiat currencies have a life span of around 40 years, maximum. The U.S. closed the gold window in 1971 – 38 years ago. This is why the dollar is long in the tooth. This is why all of the king's horses and all the king's men – ultimaTELy, will not be able to put the humpty-dumpty-Dollar back together again.
Federal Reserve ENGINEERED credit contractions like we are currently experiencing will continue to inflict great pain on humanity and in the end, this will at BEST – buy time, meager as it may be.
That's why you want to be a “learner” instead of “learned” – and own gold [and silver]. Their value as money and a store of wealth will always represent the same or similar quantity of human labor to extract it from the ground, which is really all that money is or was ever meant to be, and this is why it is called precious.
"In times of change, learners inherit the Earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists." ~ Eric Hoffe
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