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US Fed adds 3.5 bln usd to market in overnight repos

發表於 2007-8-20 22:15:23 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
The US Federal Reserve added 3.5 bln usd to the financial markets this morning through
overnight repurchase agreements.

The New York Fed s open market operations desk accepted 2.0 bln usd in mortgage-backed
securities as collateral, along with 1.3 bln of government agency securities and 0.2 bln of
 樓主| 發表於 2007-8-20 22:18:44 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 BY 於 2007-8-20 10:15 PM 發表
The US Federal Reserve added 3.5 bln usd to the financial markets this morning through
overnight repurchase agreements.

The New York Fed s open market operations desk accepted 2.0 bln usd in ...

美國聯儲局周一上午透過隔夜回購協議向銀行體系注入35億美元資金。 紐約聯儲銀行的公開市場操作部接納價值20億美元按揭資產支持債券、價值13億美元的政府機構證券以及價值2億美元的國庫券為抵押品。
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