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美國次按 - 收緊貸款 - 裁員 - 零售下降 - 經濟 ?

發表於 2007-9-5 14:49:36 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
倫敦對沖基金Synapse宣布,關閉旗下3隻資產抵押證券基金中其中1隻,被關閉為Synapse High Grade ABS Fund No.1,並無投資美國次按市場,倒閉主因是市場上嚴重缺乏流動資金。 該基金今年4月成立,主要投資高評級的資產抵押證券,其資產規模達2億歐元(約21.2億港元)。
 樓主| 發表於 2007-9-5 14:51:29 | 顯示全部樓層

Mon Sep 3, 2007 8:56AM BST

Credit fund Synapse Investment Management closed its high-grade asset-backed securities fund in August due to "severe illiquidity" in the market, the fund said on its Web site.

The fund was launched in April of this year, with a strategy of leveraged investing in highly rated asset-backed securities. It was targeting a return of Euribor plus 3 percentage points after all fees.

"There was no exposure to U.S. subprime, CDOs (collateralised debt obligations) of ABS, or any other securities whose collateral has recently experienced any underperformance," Synapse said on its Web site.

Turmoil from the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis has led to illiquidity throughout the ABS market, including in Europe, as investors have shunned complex securities. A number of ABS funds have closed as a result, and leveraged players such as structured investment vehicles or SIV-lites have faced problems.

Synapse also runs a fund focused on bank capital securities and a long/short credit fund. As of August 1 it had just over 500 million euros (338 million pounds) of assets under management across the three funds, according to its Web site
 樓主| 發表於 2007-9-5 14:54:11 | 顯示全部樓層
美國次按貸款機構 NovaStar Financial表示, 面對按揭市場轉差 , 將會減少新批出貸款數目, 並會裁員超過三成.

NovaStar Financial指, 業務重組後, 公司將可集中經營按揭證券及房屋貸款業務, 總值約154億5千萬美元.

NovaStar Financial又表示, 將零售點的數目, 由16間大減至4間, 並裁減275名員工 , 令員工數目減至600人 .
 樓主| 發表於 2007-9-5 14:59:36 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 CDO 於 2007-9-5 02:54 PM 發表
美國次按貸款機構 NovaStar Financial表示, 面對按揭市場轉差 , 將會減少新批出貸款數目, 並會裁員超過三成.

NovaStar Financial指, 業務重組後, 公司將可集中經營按揭證券及房屋貸款業務, 總值約154億5千萬 ...
 樓主| 發表於 2007-9-6 11:49:04 | 顯示全部樓層

美國Countrywide Financial在全美裁減900個職位 Sept 6


發表於 2007-9-6 11:56:04 | 顯示全部樓層
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