Dear Mr.Hw ,
Nice to read you writings in that blog , and I would like to share you point of views to those bloggers .
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發表於 2008-4-16 02:38 AM 資料 個人空間 加為好友
在此先再多謝黄小姐之誠意邀請, 並再作一点小回顧. 早於去年8月左右之預計8個月升市很大機會已於本年3月見頂. 而且本月應很大機會會再下見870, 但本週或未來一週亦應會先見970左右, 頂部應在968-976之間. 所以大家請小心本月之異常波動, 而旦相信EUR亦能有機會給大家一点指示及方向.
發表於 2008-5-1 03:06 PM 資料 個人空間 加為好友
Hi all, the target to 870 for the last month Apr.2008 has been done. Congratulation to all here! For this month, I will post it with the new topic later asap. Thanks all's support here again! Temp.I will only suggest to start buying @ below 870.Wish all good luck here again and see you all in the coming next topic!
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Wishing you can teach us more in the coming future .