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特里謝: G10看好07年全球經濟增長前景

發表於 2007-1-8 23:59:41 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
十大工業國(G10)主席、歐洲央行行長特里謝(Jean-Claude Trichet)稱, G10央行行長依然看好07年全球經濟增長前景, 認為經濟增長勢頭仍令人鼓舞, 惟部份風險猶存。

特里謝在出席G10央行行長於瑞士巴塞爾召開的會議後表示, 今年經濟增長步伐料將與去年相若, 或是略低。

不過, 他指出, 下一輪貿易談判須對數個風險因素進行討論, 首要應討論國家保護主義風險。其他與石油和商品價格有關的風險亦繼續存在。
 樓主| 發表於 2007-1-9 00:26:09 | 顯示全部樓層

G10 positive for global economic prospects in 2007 amid low level of risk

G10 central bankers are still upbeat about prospects for the global economy in 2007, with growth continuing to be very encouraging although some low-level risks remain, G10 chairman Jean-Claude Trichet said.

Speaking following a meeting of the central bankers group at the Bank of International Settlement (BIS) in Basel, Trichet said: "Growth this year "might be of the same magnitude as last year, maybe a bit lower".

However, Trichet cited various risks, foremost the threat of national protectionism, which will have to be addressed at the next round of trade negotiations.

"I consider that this would be very damaging if this risk would materialise," Trichet said.

"Another risk possible, again very unlikely, is the disorderly re-appreciation of risk in the global financial markets," he warned.

Nevertheless, Trichet said that at the moment "we continue to see a level of risk appreciation which is low".

Bankers also agreed that all the risks that are associated with the price of oil and commodities remain.

Commenting on inflationary risks, Trichet said central bank policies have been key in keeping inflation at bay during the ongoing growth period, and added that he is optimistic for 2007.

Speaking about the US economy, Trichet said that G10 central bankers consider the slowdown to be "orderly and limited, certainly not sharp and abrupt".

Moreover, he said that he was reasonably confident that the US economic slowdown would be "absorbed" and should not "amplify the slowdown of other economies".

Trichet said that central bankers did not specifically discuss the Japanese economy.
發表於 2007-1-9 09:32:41 | 顯示全部樓層
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