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美股早段下跌 / 觀望議息會議紀要

發表於 2007-4-11 22:49:18 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
美股早段輕微下挫。市場靜候聯儲局於午後公布上月議息會議紀要。另外, 聯儲局主席貝南克將就市場紀律和管制的課題發表演說。 企業消息中, 美國鋁業(Alcoa)首季業績表現強勁。花旗集團則宣布將裁減約1.7萬個職位。

周二收市, 美股輕微上揚。市場靜候道指成分股美鋁在收市後為首季業績公布季節揭開序幕, 故市場氣氛保持審慎。 道指全日反覆上落, 收升4.71點或0.04%, 報12,573.85。此乃該股指連續第8個交易日高收, 為2003年以來首見。 納指收復上日失地, 收升8.43點或0.34%, 報2,477.61; 標普500指數收升3.78或0.26%, 報1,448.39, 為連續第6個交易日高收。
發表於 2007-4-11 23:05:59 | 顯示全部樓層
BY  在 2007-4-11 10:49 PM 發表:

美股早段輕微下挫。市場靜候聯儲局於午後公布上月議息會議紀要。另外, 聯儲局主席貝南克將就市場紀律和管制的課題發表演說。 企業消息中, 美國鋁業(Alcoa)首季業績表現強勁。花旗集團則宣布將裁減約1.7萬個職位。 ...

發表於 2007-4-12 08:34:47 | 顯示全部樓層
 樓主| 發表於 2007-4-12 08:46:58 | 顯示全部樓層

華爾街股市 - 大市低收 / 聯儲局紀要惹憂慮

周三美股普遍低收。道指結束連續8個交易日的漲勢, 並一度跌逾100點。

聯儲局上月會議紀要顯示, 該局不排除加息以抑制通脹的可能。

道指收跌89.23點或0.71%, 報12,484.62; 納指收跌18.30點或0.74%, 報2,459.31; 標普500指數收跌9.52或0.66%, 報1,438.87。
發表於 2007-4-12 08:53:21 | 顯示全部樓層
 樓主| 發表於 2007-4-12 08:59:39 | 顯示全部樓層

Minutes of meeting show Fed saw core inflation as predominant policy risk

Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke and his colleagues on the Federal Open Market Committee continued to view the current rates of core inflation as "uncomfortably high" at their meeting last month and pledged to watch incoming economic data closely before making a decision about future interest rate moves.

"The prevailing level of inflation remained uncomfortably high, and the latest information cast some doubt on whether core inflation was on the expected downward path," the Fed said, according to the minutes of the March 20-21 meeting, released on 11 April.

"Most participants continued to expect that core inflation would slow gradually, but the recent readings on inflation and productivity growth, along with higher energy prices, had increased the odds that inflation would fail to moderate as expected; that risk remained the committees predominant concern," the Fed said.

The Fed has kept the key federal funds rate at 5.25 pct since June.

The central bank said it expected the economy to grow at a moderate pace this year.

"Although the housing sector adjustment continued, accumulating data suggested that the demand for homes was levelling out," the Fed said.

In their statement released after the March meeting, the Fed changed the wording accompanying its interest rate decision, saying any "future policy adjustments" would depend on the evolution of the outlook for both inflation and economic growth.

Prior statements had said the Fed would watch incoming information and determine if any "additional firming" would be needed. Additional firming is Fedspeak for rate hikes, while "future policy adjustments" is seen as more neutral language, and was interpreted by financial markets to be a signal of possible future rate cuts.

The minutes show that the initial interpretation of the statement may have been wishful thinking on the part of investors.

"All members agreed the statement should indicate that the Committees predominant policy concern remains the risk that inflation will fail to moderate as expected," the minutes said

"The Committee agreed that further policy firming might prove necessary to foster lower inflation, but in light of the increased uncertainty about the outlook for both growth and inflation, the Committee also agreed that the statement should no longer cite only the possibility of further firming," the Fed said.

"Instead, the statement should indicate that future policy adjustments will depend on the evolution of the outlook for both inflation and economic growth, as implied by incoming information," the minutes said.
發表於 2007-4-12 09:23:37 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 2007-4-12 10:52:44 | 顯示全部樓層
BY  在 2007-4-12 08:59 AM 發表:

Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke and his colleagues on the Federal Open Market Committee continued to view the current rates of core inflation as "uncomfortably high" at their  ...

發表於 2007-4-12 15:29:48 | 顯示全部樓層
BY  在 2007-4-11 10:49 PM 發表:

美股早段輕微下挫。市場靜候聯儲局於午後公布上月議息會議紀要。另外, 聯儲局主席貝南克將就市場紀律和管制的課題發表演說。 企業消息中, 美國鋁業(Alcoa)首季業績表現強勁。花旗集團則宣布將裁減約1.7萬個職位。 ...

留意7國會議(G7)日圓CARRY TRADE會否再UNWIND,如是者金價此浪可能完結或高位徘徊。 當然也要注視國際有色金屬行情!!!
發表於 2007-4-12 16:27:19 | 顯示全部樓層
雷文  在 2007-4-12 03:29 PM 發表:

留意7國會議(G7)日圓CARRY TRADE會否再UNWIND,如是者金價此浪可能完結或高位徘徊。 當然也要注視國際有色金屬行情!!!

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